
What we want for Christmas is…


Money. Please don’t stop reading. We’ve had an amazing first launch week with over 6,000 signing the petition including over 200 doctors and nutritionists from over 50 countries with over 20 organisations signed up to support and many more in the pipeline. Our Vitamin C for COVID-19 paper is getting a lot of traction with close to 3,000 downloads. We’ve had 10 pieces in the media and many more coming. We’ve reached something close to a million people. Also, all the start up costs are covered. Thank you!

Behind the scenes eight of us are working around the clock. Three are paid. Our brilliant campaign manager is working every day, including weekends, and being paid £1,000 a month. Our brilliant PR team headed by Chantal and Sophie are doing the same for £1,900 a month. We don’t have these costs covered for January. We need 100 people to give the campaign a Christmas present of £100 to secure funding to keep going full steam ahead for the next three months.

Where will the money go?

We now have a care home study designed to roll out in Wales. Phase 1 measures vitamin C levels in care home residents. Phase 2 establishes how much vitamin C is then needed for optimal protection – and provides it to the study participants. Everyone is being generous but this is still going to cost at least £10,000. If another 100 people gave £100 that would be covered and we could proceed without delay.

After this we are working on the definitive vitamin C for cold trial which, if done during covid times, means we’ll be able to report on the effects of vitamin C on early COVID-19 infection too as some getting cold symptoms will test covid positive.

This email has gone out to 5,000 people and usually one assumes someone else will make the donation but they don’t. We can see this because the Crowdfunder donations seeking £30,000 have stalled at just under £4,000. Our heartfelt ask is that you put this campaign on your Christmas present list. If you can, pledge £100. If you can’t give £50 or whatever you can. If everyone gave £5 we’d reach our target. I’ll give you a signed copy of my book, Flu Fighters, for all donations of £50+. We must keep the pressure up. People are dying and they don’t need to be. People are suffering unnecessarily. Would you give £100 to save a life? That’s what your donation is going to achieve. We have to a) let people know what they can do for themselves; b) keep the pressure on government and health authorities; and c) keep informing those in the front line in hospitals and ICUs. We are also helping a doctor, threatened with being struck off by the General Medical Council for recommending their symptomatic patients take 5 grams of vitamin C.

But we can only do this with your financial support. If you want to earmark your donation to something specific like the care home study or cold study that’s fine. But please make a pledge through our Crowdfunder. We won’t keep asking. We are all part of this. If we keep silent nothing is going to change. I believe vitamin C is an arrow, even a Trojan horse, that can break through the wall of ignorance and vested interests. I (Patrick) am giving 5 days a week to this project for a minimum of 3 months. Can you give a little bit of money and, if not, time to volunteer? (Email Rebecca at if you’d like to offer your time.)

Thank you for your support and help spreading the word to others. If everyone got ten others to sign up we’ll reach 50,000 sign ups in no time at all.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Healthy New Year.


The Vitamin C 4 covid team.

View All Newsletters

  • "Vitamin C levels drop precipitously in infection"
  • "Vitamin C reduces stays in ICU, hospital and ventilators"
  • "17 out of 18 covid ICU patients had undetetactable vitamin C levels"
  • "Vitamin C reduces both duration and severity of colds"
  • "Non survivors had much lower Vitamin C levels than survivors"
  • "68% less mortality in vitamin C group of covid critically ill"